Global Warming Mitigation Institute

Program: Halt Global Warming' With 'Posterity Joy Consciousness'

Energy is a common good and access to it is a basic human right and a necessary condition of a dignified life. Our current energy system – the way we produce, distribute and consume energy – is unsustainable, unjust and harming communities, workers, the environment and the climate. We urgently need to invest in locally-appropriate, climate-safe, affordable and low impact energy for all, and reduce energy dependence so that people don’t need much energy to meet their basic needs and live a good life.

The children of this era did no mistake to undergo the trials of climate change hazards; but in their own interests they need to put in their best efforts to win the case in their favor. Students in schools and colleges need to become agents of change; so, Joyism aims to create a mass awareness among school children on climate change and global warming mitigation through Mass Awareness cum Certification Program. The primary aim is to substantially enhance the awareness of students on global warming and climate change and also make them think and act on mitigation modalities in their circles of influence.

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